Jobtale - product shape

As I worked on developing a product strategy I was able to give it shape and structure.

This is what I think of the creative messy stage. Lots of sketches, concepts, ideas thrown in the bin, discussions with stakeholders and customers to get feedback.

We also had to convince the board to green-light and give us budget which was very tight considering the ambition.
This involved putting together a pitch deck, rough prototypes and market financials to get it over the line.

This all had to be done on a very tight timeline as we also needed to line up an external development vendor capable of delivering on such a tight timeline.

To the left is a high level diagram outlining the product structure that was agreed on with the board.

I had to make it very clear that no matter how much they wanted it, we would not deliver all of this on what was an initially a 3 month development production schedule allocated!

So an MVP had to be devised as we went, in collaboration with the external development team. I don’t really feel it was an MVP as we were still delivering a complete platform with a broad range of features regardless.

We had to figure out a name yet, but I insisted that came later, what with priorities and all!