Jobtale - research


  • Market research

  • Customer journey mapping

  • Customer profile mapping

  • Customer interviews (one on ones & group sessions)

  • Insights from an experienced in-house team in the recruitment space

Key learnings and insights:

  • People at all points in the hiring process were under pressure and time poor.

  • Frustration at not having their own branded ads.

  • Tools available were very limited in being able to tell a great employer brand story.

  • Job ads were performing poorly on main job advertising platforms.

  • The best talent were often not even looking for positions on the main job platforms. It was not where their attention was.

  • Most jobs were not filled through job ads platforms.

  • Many companies especially smaller growing ones did not have the resources or know how to build a strong employer brand presence.

  • Talent found jobs boring, did not speak to them.

  • Talent found the job application process frustrating and overall a poor user experience.