
Product & Design Director

What does the best job ad in the world look like?

From problem to a delivered product.

Jobtale is a job ad and career page creation platform.
It guides you to create a great job ad and career page that brings your employer brand to life and helps you stand out from the crowd.
It then makes it easy to share your job ad and career brand story so you have a great story to tell when you tap talent on the shoulder.

Jobtale is an internal startup at the AD1 Holdings group of companies.

I was contracted initially to review an existing older product in the company’s portfolio to assess if it could be quickly adapted into a modern SAAS employer branding and recruitment platform.
After reviewing the platform and doing some customer research it was clear something different was required.

Why does it have be a page of text?

Why can’t it be a video, animated?

How do we make it easy to generate a job ad that evokes an emotional response?

Problem 1 - the business: The group needed to release a new modern SAAS product in the recruitment space to the market as soon as possible. We had to be able to charge for customers for the product from day 1 of release.

Problem 2 - the customer: After doing detailed interviews with Hiring Managers, Recruiters and Employer Brand professionals a clear pattern emerged. They felt they were not able to tell their best employer brand story on the current recruitment platforms and they were time poor, so creating custom solutions in-house was not feasible in most cases, especially smaller growing companies.

When you tap talent on the shoulder with a job opportunity you should have a great story to tell.

After some initial discussions and explorations taking different approaches I asked this question, “What does the best job ad in the world look like?” and posited we aim to answer that question as our mission for the product.

And so, with a small team we went from zero, to a problem, to a question and to an answer in the form of a delivered product to the market in six months and with only 4 months development time.